SLEEP 2023 On-Demand: Postgraduate Course C-02

SLEEP 2023 On-Demand: Postgraduate Course C-02

C-02 PedSleep 2023: Diagnosis and Treatment of Complex Pediatric Sleep-Disordered Breathing Update (On-Demand)

TThis course is intended to provide comprehensive up-to-date evidenced based practical reviews of the best practices and latest algorithms for diagnosing and treating persistent often complex SDB in infants, children and adolescents with medical, neurological, behavioral and genetic comorbidities.

Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:

  • Realize that watchful waiting is not the best option for symptomatic OSA in children who only snore or have low OAHI on PSG because of the short- and long-term effects on executive function, attention and hyperactivity;
  • Understand when to consider (and in whom) pediatric drug-induced sleep endoscopy, hypoglossal nerve stimulation, complex PAP titration, rapid maxillary expansion, bariatric surgery, high flow nasal cannula, supplemental oxygen, 3-D nasal pharyngeal airway devices, othodontics, and orofacial myofunctional therapies to treat persistent pediatric OSA;
  • Recognize which infant breathing patterns are normal, and how to treat those which are abnormal;
  • Learn latest algorithms for diagnosis and treating pediatric SDB in children with Down syndrome, Chiari malformations, achondroplasia, and adolescents with obesity, asthma, and metabolic syndrome; and
  • Realize children are particularly vulnerable to the effects of air pollution because of outdoor play, mouth breathing, higher minute ventilation, underdeveloped detoxification and antioxidant defense systems, ineffective nasal filtering capacity, and increased permeability of airway epithelium.

Course Chair: Madeleine M. Grigg-Damberger, MD

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Members: SLEEP2023M
Nonmembers: SLEEP2023N

Discounted member price: 200.00
You could save: 27.3%